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Stargate TCG Rise Of The Ori
ADVERSARIES 3 U 001 Aden Corso, convicted criminal
3 X 002
3 R 003 Anubis, warlord - goa'ould
3 C 004 Apophis, risen from the fires
3 S 005 The Doci, voice of the ori - ori
3 U 006 Dutiful Prior, adria's attendant - ori
3 C 007 Enlightened Prior, teacher of origin - ori
3 R 008 First, leap in evolution - replicator
3 R 009 Heru'ur, shrewd rival - goa'uld
3 C 010 Kali, the destroyer - goa'uld
3 U 011 Kefflin, loyal second
3 R 012 Moloc, great and powerful - goa'uld
3 R 013 Netan, head of the lucien alliance
3 R 014 Odai Ventrell, bounty hunter
3 U 015 Quartus, chief negotiation officer - political
3 R 016 Robert Kinsey, goa'uld infiltrator - goa'uld
3 C 017 Ronan, betrayer - jaffa
3 U 018 Ted, alien deserter
3 R 019 Tomin, strong, proud warrior - ori
3 R 020 Vengeful Prior, hand of the ori - ori
3 R 021 Adam Banks, gunner - SGC
3 U 022 Arlos, alien technology expert
3 U 023 Birra, citizen of kallana - jaffa 3 C 024 Brooks, computer tech - NID
3 R 025 Cameron Mitchell, blue leader - SGC
3 U 026 Cicero, archaeological researcher
3 R 027 "Colonel Danning", x-cellent hero
3 R 028 Daniel Jackson, prior of the ori - SGC
3 C 029 Devon, trust operative - NID
3 R 030 "Dr. Levant", x-cellent hero
3 R 031 Elizabeth Weir, ancient languages expert - SGC
3 C 032 Emmett Bregman, documentary filmmaker
3 C 033 Fannis, ancestral investigator
3 U 034 Francis Maynard, chairman of the joint chiefs
3 R 035 "Grell", x-cellent hero 3 U 036 Jacek, petty thief
3 C 037 Jalen, field agent
3 R 038 John Sheppard, unconventional leader - atlantis
3 R 039 Jonas Quinn, special advisor
3 U 040 Lindsey Novak, eccentric engineer - SGC
3 R 041 Linea, destroyer of worlds
3 U 042 Ma'chello, inventor
3 R 043 "Major Monroe", x-cellent hero
3 R 044 Merlin, dissenting ancient - ancient
3 R 045 Michael Ryan, u.s. air force chief of staff
3 U 046 Morgan Le Fay, dissident ancient - ancient
3 C 047 Mr. Parker, leader of the trust - NID
3 C 048 Mr. Wayne, leader of the trust - NID
3 R 049 Pete Shanahan, inquisitive detective
3 R 050 Rodney McKay, munitions yield expert - atlantis
3 C 051 Ryk'L, freedom fighter - jaffa
3 U 052 Se'Tak, leader of the jaffa - jaffa
3 U 053 Sha'Re, beloved wife and daughter
3 R 054 Ta'Seem, tok'ra surgeon - tok'ra
3 C 055 Tass'an, settler - jaffa
3 U 056 Thoran, tok'ra intermediary - tok'ra
3 U 057 Bo'rel, free jaffa - jaffa
3 R 058 Bra'tac, honored teacher, jaffa
3 X 059
3 R 060 Chekov, korolev commander - russian
3 R 061 Daniel Jackson, ambassador of earth - SGC
3 C 062 Dave Dixon, SG-13 commander - SGC
3 C 063 Erin Grant, bridge officer - SGC
3 S 064 Hadden, SG-12 commander - SGC
3 U 065 Harold Maybourne, helpful informant - russian - NID
3 U 066 Hoskins, agent of the trust - NID
3 U 067 Jack O'Neill, dynamic leader - SGC
3 U 068 Jacob Carter, tok'ra ambassador - tok'ra
3 X 069
3 R 070 Lionel Pendergast, prometheus commander - SGC
3 R 071 Loki, banished scientist - asgard
3 R 072 Malek, tok'ra warrior - tok'ra
3 C 073 Marks, bridge officer - SGC
3 C 074 Neath, hardened warrior - jaffa
3 U 075 Paul Emerson, odyssey commander
3 R 076 Samantha Carter, formidable warrior
3 U 077 Sergei Evanov, team leader - russian
3 U 078 Simon Coombs, scientist in the field - SGC
3 R 079 Teal'c, man of action - SGC
3 U 080 Thor, supreme commander - asgard
3 S 081 Vala Mal Doran, practiced thief
3 R 082 Vala Mal Doran, SG-1 member - SGC
3 R 083 Weaver, trust interrogator - NID
3 U 084 William Ronson, prometheus commander - SGC
3 C 085 Cheap Knockoff
3 C 086 Conservation - tok'ra
3 U 087 Covert Strike
3 C 088 Fend Off
3 C 089 Harsh Justice - jaffa
3 U 090 Indulgences
3 U 091 Insight - SGC
3 U 092 Interference - ancient
3 U 093 Nice Enough Couple
3 R 094 Part Of The Plan
3 C 095 Proactive Stance - NID
3 C 096 Proceeding With Caution - russian
3 C 097 Protector Of All - asgard
3 U 098 Revisionist History
3 C 099 Scramble
3 R 100 Temptation
3 R 101 Anti-Replicator Disruptor - ancient
3 C 102 HUD Headset - tok'ra - jaffa
3 C 103 Mind Transference Device
3 R 104 Quantum Mirror Control
3 R 105 Quarantine Container
3 R 106 Russian-Controled DHD - russian
3 U 107 Terra-root
3 R 108 U.A.V. - SGC
3 S 109 Accompany Documentary Crew
3 S 110 3 S 111
3 S 112
3 S 113
3 S 114
3 S 115 Capture Clone
3 S 116
3 S 117 Consult Expert
3 S 118 Coordinated Assault
3 S 119
3 S 120 Destroy Kassa Shipment
3 S 121 Destroy Weapon
3 S 122
3 S 123 Disable Orbital Weapon
3 S 124 Discredit Leak
3 S 125 Eradicate Computer Virus
3 S 126
3 S 127 Escape Time Dilation Field
3 S 128 Escort IOA Representatives
3 S 129 Exonerate Team Members
3 S 130
3 S 131
3 S 132
3 S 133
3 S 134
3 S 135
3 S 136
3 S 137
3 S 138
3 S 139 Lie Low
3 S 140 Locate The Eye Of Ra
3 S 141 Negotiate Mining Rights
3 S 142 Obtain Information
3 S 143 Protect Village
3 S 144 Recover Team Member
3 S 145 Recover Touchstone
3 S 146
3 S 147 Repel Moloc
3 S 148 Restore Timeline
3 S 149
3 S 150
3 S 151 Review Hollywood Script
3 S 152
3 S 153 Salvage Enemy Ship
3 S 154 Secure Crash Site
3 S 155
3 S 156
3 U 157 Adaptation - replicator
3 C 158 Alliance In Jeopardy - jaffa - political
3 U 159 Ambushed Summit - jaffa
3 C 160 Barroom Thugs
3 C 161 Battered Defenses - goa'uld
3 C 162 Clues From The Past
3 C 163 Cornered - replicator
3 U 164 Corrupted Ally - ori
3 R 165 Debilitated - disease
3 C 166 Direct Hit - jaffa
3 R 167 Execution Squad - ori
3 R 168 Exploitation - political
3 R 169 Final Challenge - goa'uld
3 U 170 Friends At Odds
3 R 171 The Game Of Diplomcay - political
3 U 172 Genetic Manipulations - goa'uld
3 C 173 Goa'uld Probe - goa'uld
3 C 174 Government Oversight - politcal
3 C 175 Greed Exploited
3 U 176 Hathor's Interrogation - goa'uld
3 C 177 Hok'taur Experiments - goa'uld - disease
3 C 178 A Matter Of Trust - ori
3 C 179 Might Of The Orici - ori
3 U 180 Mutated Creature
3 U 181 Nerve Gas Attack
3 C 182 Nothing But Weakness - goa'uld
3 C 183 Orbital Bombardment - goa'uld - jaffa
3 C 184 Ori Ground Forces - ori
3 C 185 Ori Satellite Attack - ori
3 R 186 Prelude To Invasion - ori
3 R 187 Prior Bugs - ori
3 C 188 Prior Engagement - ori
3 U 189 Probing The Subconscious - goa'uld
3 U 190 Reanimated Dead - goa'uld
3 C 191 Relentless Pursuit -ori
3 U 192 Replicator Ruse - replicator
3 U 193 Rerouted
3 R 194 Senseless Slaughter - jaffa
3 U 195 Set Up - ori
3 C 196 Spies Everywhere - goa'uld
3 C 197 Super Pheromones - disease - goa'uld
3 C 198 Teachings Of Origin - ori
3 C 199 Technology Interface
3 C 200 Teeming Numbers - replicator
3 C 201 Threat Of Force
3 C 202 Too Easy
3 U 203 Transdimensional Bridge
3 U 204 Trial By Fire - ori
3 R 205 Ultimatum - jaffa
3 C 206 Archaic Death Glider - jaffa
3 U 207 The Daniel Jackson, supreme commander's ship - asgard
3 U 208 F-302 - SGC
3 U 209 Free Jaffa Ha'tak - jaffa
3 C 210 Jacek's Tel'tak, cargo ship
3 U 211 Korolev, russian flagship - russian
3 R 212 The O'Neill, last great hope - asgard
3 R 213 Odyssey, deep space carrier - SGC
3 R 214 Prometheus, the X-303 - SGC
3 C 215 Seberus, racing ship
3 R 216 Selmak's Tel'tak - tok'ra
3 U 217 Tok'ra Tel'tak - tok'ra
3 U 218 Trust-Controlled Al'kesh, commandeered vessel - NID
3 R 219 Adria's Mothership, light of origin - ori
3 C 220 Al'kesh Bomber - goa'uld
3 R 221 Anubis' Mothership, seat of power - goa'uld
3 U 222 Apophis' Ha'tak, the serpent tooth - goa'uld
3 C 223 Archaic Tel'tak - goa'uld
3 U 224 Aschen Harvester
3 R 225 Baal's Ha'tak - goa'uld
3 C 226 Death Glider - jaffa
3 U 227 Gadmeer Ship, legacy of a civilization
3 C 228 Goa'uld Ha'tak - goa'uld
3 U 229 Lucian Alliance Freighter
3 C 230 Ori Fighter - ori
3 U 231 Ori Mothership - ori
3 R 232 Ra's Mothership, vessel of the sun god - goa'uld
3 U 233 Replicator Lander, vanguard - replicator
3 R 234 Replicator Mothership, symbol of change - replicator
3 UR 235 Adria, leader of the great enlightenment - ori
3 UR 236 Dr. Jackson, spy for apophis - goa'uld
3 UR 237 Jack O'Neill, jack of all trades - SGC
3 UR 238 Jonas Quinn, adventurer - SGC
3 UR 239 Beliskner, thor's chariot - asgard
3 UR 240 Apophis' Mothership, the serpent's venom - goa'uld
1 T 1 Jack O'Neill, dynamic leader - SGC
STARGATE ONLINE TCG 2007 Convention Tour stargateonlinetcg.com 1 P 1 Teal'c, enemy of the goa'uld - SGC
STARGATE ONLINE TCG stargateonlinetcg.com 2 P 1 Young Jack, loki's clone - SGC
Daniel Jackson, linguistics expert